Pembrokeshire Velvet Crab (kg)


Welsh Live Velvet Crabs, 1kg.

Velvet swimming crabs are small but tasty, spiny crabs which are very popular in many cuisines. Their bodies are covered in short hairs and have a velvety appearance that is soft to touch, just like velvet.

A smaller crustacea recognised by red eyes, soft velvet-like body and feisty temperament. Their back legs are flattened into a paddle which helps them move fast underwater. It has a nice sweet flavour and very delicate white meat.

Try it in a Mediterranean style Velvet crab soup or try it in a curry. Delicious alternative to other crab

Velvet crabs nutritional benefits are great, Lean, protein-rich, a good source of minerals like magnesium & selenium and vitamins B & E.

Please allow 2-3 days from ordering for us to source velvet crabs from our fishermen.

Please note that occasionally this product may become unavailable at short notice due to unpredictable fishing conditions, especially coming into winter. Thank you for your understanding.

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  • This product has been handled on a site that handles fish, mollusc, crustation, mustard, egg and gluten.

    Calories 124 Kcal/100 g

    Proteins 19.5 g/100 g

    Fats 5.1 g/100 g

    Carbohydrates 0.0 g/100 g

    Glycemic index GI (CG) 0